#9 Women’s Ordination

#9 Women’s Ordination

WOMEN’S ORDINATION Why all the fuss? by Richard Marin Why is the question of whether women should be ordained to the gospel ministry such a hot issue? Could it be important enough to divide God’s church? It is not just a side issue to distract the church from her real...
#8 Final Generation & Perfection

#8 Final Generation & Perfection

THE FINAL GENERATION AND PERFECTION Michael Marsh In this final generation two classes of people are being developed; two kinds of religion are being practiced. One religion points to the lives of the people of God on earth as being the fulfillment of “the...
#7 Your Thinking Allowed

#7 Your Thinking Allowed

In Thinking Aloud #4 we made two points about justification by faith: That it is by faith.That justification means justification. In the first point we showed that the way to get justified was by believing in Jesus. In the second we showed that “to justify”...
#6 Joel’s Three Angel Messages

#6 Joel’s Three Angel Messages

The Old Testament prophet Joel gives an urgent message especially for our day. Like the three angels of Revelation 14 he makes three calls to judgment: Joel 1:14,15: “Sanctify ye a fast, Rev. 14:7: “Fear God, and give call a solemn assembly,… for the give glory to...
#5 Highlights in Romans

#5 Highlights in Romans

ROMANS  1 – GOSPEL & SIN Rom. 1:1-4, 16 “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made...
#4 SS Lesson Comparison

#4 SS Lesson Comparison

Are you aware that you are being taught Roman Catholic doctrine? That’s what’s happening if you study your Sabbath School Lessons. The following quiz may help clarify the issues. ———————————— QUIZ # 1 “HOW TO GET JUSTIFIED”  Match one of the following...