After the comparatively short reign of the United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to rule the world?

(Rev. 17:1-18; 18:1-24; 19:1-Dan. 7:1-4; 1 et. 5:1-5) Blog 17-23 Mar. 2019

REVIEW: The book of Revelation reveals Jesus as he works to recover his lost bride. The candlesticks symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. The table of showbread symbolizes the throne of God the Father from which God’s Word works to restore the bride to the Son. The altar of incense symbolizes Jesus ministering the prayers of his people as they bring earth’s inhabitants to God. These three articles of the Holy Place of the sanctuary depict parallel events during the Christian era, from Pentecost to Paradise. In Revelation 11:19 the scene turns to the Most Holy Place where the marriage covenant will be made. Chapters 12-19 give a curriculum vitae for each of the attenders at the marriage – first the bride and the dragon, then the sea beast and the land beast, followed by the Groom on Mount Zion, and the Father pouring out the seven last plagues

The curriculum vitae of Babylon (Rev. 17:1-18; Dan. 7:1-10; 8:17-21; 11:35-40)

1. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb is introduced in Revelation 17?

2. What habit makes the woman of Revelation 17 an harlot”?

3. What is represented by the scarlet beast on which the woman rides and where is it found in this vision?

4. If the beast in the wilderness “is not” because of a deadly wound, where is John pointed in history?

5. Babylon’s attire is that of what office? And is it appropriate?

6. If Daniel & Revelation are consistent which 5 would empires had fallen when the Papacy was in the wilderness?

7. What world empire does Daniel 11:36-40 & Revelation 11:7 say will follow Papal Rome?

8. What world empire does Daniel 11:40 & Revelation 13:11 say will follow atheistic Communism?

9. After the comparatively short reign of the United States what world power becomes the 8th & last “head” to rule the world?

10. How long will the revived Papacy rule the world before the ten nations of Europe turn on her & destroy her?

            God’s Last Call (Rev. 18:1-8; 1 Chron. 29:11; Matt, 6:13; Jude 1:25)

11. Because he is described as having power and glory, what must the angel of Revelation 18:1 be?

12. Which attender at the marriage of the Lamb is introduced in the first part of Revelation 18?

13. How does this divine Messenger relate to the three angels of Revelation 14?

14. Why does the fourth Angel say that Babylon’s fall is complete and her religion is filled with devils?

15. When the loud cry of the fourth Angel is given and Jesus makes his last call, what has not yet begun?

16. According to Rev. 18:7 how does Babylon consider herself and what other Bible character is she like?

            Babylon’s Lament (Rev. 18:9-19)

17. Who are the first group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

18. How long do earth’s political leaders say that it took God to bring Babylon to her knees?

19. Who are the second group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

20. Why were earth’s religious leaders especially sorry that Babylon had been destroyed?

21. Who are the third group of mourners that bewail Babylon’s destruction?

            God’s people Rejoice (Rev. 18:20-24; 19:1-10)

22. Why should God’s people rejoice over Babylon’s destruction according to the angel in Rev. 18:21?

23. Why does Revelation 19 begin with so many Alleluias and who all joins in them?

            The Groom comes for the bride (Rev. 19:11-21; Matt. 25:1-10; Luke 12:36)

24. Where is God’s church (the bride) when Jesus after the legal marriage rides forth on a white horse?

25. What does the seventh plague accomplish?

26. What does Satan allow to happen to his two cohorts (beast & false prophet) when Christ returns?

ANSWERS: 1. Babylon, the false church – false religion who pretends to be the bride of Christ; 2. That of committing fornication with earth’s political leaders – using the state to enforce her dogmas; 3. It is the same blasphemous beast of Revelation thirteen one – Satan’s second in command; 4. To the time when the Papacy received its deadly wound & while the “beast from the bottomless pit” (atheistic Communism) held world dominion; 5. That of God’s High Priest, who alone ministers the forgiveness of sins, & it is not appropriate, for women were never given the priesthood & for the church to usurp that role of Christ is blasphemous; 6. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Papacy, (Dan. 7:1-10; 11:35-40); 7. Atheistic Communism; 8. United States of America; 9. The revived Holy Roman Empire – the revived Papacy; 10. “One hour” which equals two weeks in Bible prophecy; 11. He must be Deity; 12. The Holy Spirit; 13. He is the fourth angel that was loosed from the River Euphrates in chapter nine & joins the three angels of Revelation fourteen, swelling their message into a loud, & final cry; 14. Because now every nation on earth has accepted her dogmas, joined her church-state union, & made her ministers rich; 15. The seven last plagues; 16. As a queen mother who will never know sorrow – just like Jezebel who dominated the actions of Ahab, the king; 17. Earth’s political rulers; 18. “One hour” – two weeks; 19. The religious leaders of the world; 20. Because through her they were made rich; 21. Earth’s merchants – all the traders & commercial interests; 22. Because she (false religion) will never rise again; 23. Because the Groom has judged between the two women that claimed to be the bride & like Solomon has cast out the false woman (church) & while still in heaven married the true bride who has repented of her sins & clothed herself with the righteousness of Christ & praise rises from the hosts of heaven, the four beasts, the twenty four elders, the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit; 24. On this earth; 25. It breaks up Babylon’s three-fold union of Spiritism, Catholicism, & Pentecostalism, exposing all their lies (the action of hail) while leaving every earthly institution unable to help the lost & God, the Father, speaks from heaven announcing Christ’s second coming,; 26. He deserts them, allowing them to be cast into the lake of fire.
