To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Pergamos correspond?

(Revelation 2:8-3:22) Blog Jan. 13-19, 2019

Prepared by Richard A. Marin: Present Truth PO Box 700, Fallbrook CA 92088-0700 USA

REVIEW: The book of Revelation is about Jesus and what he does to recover his lost bride during the time from Pentecost to Paradise. Its outline is taken from the Old Testament sanctuary. Through symbols God communicates to his people a continuous series of events which will affect them during the Christian era. All heaven is interested in this story and participate in its accomplishment. Even the numbers in Revelation are symbolic – that is why the number seven is used to picture God’s one true church and God’s one Holy Spirit. The study of this book will increase our faith and our obedience while pointing out where we are in redemption history – all blessings that every Christian should cherish.

Smyrna & Pergamos (Rev. 2:8-17; Rom. 2:28-2; 8:25; 2 Tim. 4:8)

1. What does the name Smyrna and Christ’s introduction and letter suggest about this church?

2. To whom does Jesus refer when writing about Jews and the synagogue of Satan?

3. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Smyrna correspond and when will her faithful receive the crown of life?

4. What does the name Pergamos and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

5. What three intruders does Jesus say had entered the church in Pergamos?

6. According to his name what power opposed God’s faithful witness Antipas?

7. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Pergamos correspond?

            Thyatira & Sardis (Rev. 2:18-3:6; Psa. 69:28; Matt. 26:41; Gal. 6:1)

8. What does the name Thyatira and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

9. What is the meaning of the things that Jezebel brought into the church in Thyatira?

10. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Thyatira correspond?

11. What does the name Sardis and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

12. What was one remedy that Jesus repeated in his letter to Sardis and what does it mean?

13. What should we understand from Revelation 3:5?

14. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Sardis correspond?

Philadelphia & Laodicea (Rev. 3:7-22; 10:7-11; Hosea 12:8; Heb. 5:11-14; 12:22-29)

15. What does the name Philadelphia and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

16. What door did Jesus open during the Philadelphia period of his church?

17. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Philadelphia correspond?

18. What does the name Laodicea and Christ’s introduction, and letter imply about this church?

19. What is the condition of God’s true, organized, visible church at the time of God’s final judgment?

20. Who will Jesus spue out of his mouth?

21. To what time period of the Christian era does the church in Laodicea correspond?

ANSWERS: 1. That it was a persecuted church, suffering great tribulation for Jesus introduced himself in that light & spoke of the same, & myrrh is the ointment for the dead; 2. A Jew in Revelation refers to true believers in Jesus, not to physical descendants of Abraham, & the synagogue of Satan refers to the false church which doesn’t accept Christ or his doctrine; 3. To the second & third centuries of the Christian era (100-300 AD) from the death of Paul until the reign of Constantine, & her overcomers will receive the crown of life when Christ appears the second time; 4. That it is an infiltrated church for Pergamos means many gametes (husbands [sperm]) are entering, Jesus introduced himself with the sword of the Word that cuts out error, & the letter mentions fornication 5. Satan, Balaamites, & Nicolaitans; 6. The state (government); 7. The time from Constantine until the full heretical development of the Papacy (Wycliffe’s day) (300-1300 AD); 8. Thyatira means “foul smelling” & Jesus is introduced as having penetrating vision & having lived on earth & he warns of committing fornication in the church showing that this church needs a complete break from corrupting lifestyles; 9. Fornication refers to spiritual cohabitation before marriage (placing the Spirits work of heart transformation [sanctification] prior to justification & eating things sacrificed to idols refers  not to physical food, but) to living according to the commandments of men rather than the commandments of God; 10. To the time from Wycliffe until the death of Martin Luther (1300-1600 AD); 11. That their were very few that remained true to God – living in harmony with their faith while professing  true religion; 12. To watch, which means to study the Holy Scriptures; 13. That in God’s final, pre-advent judgment Jesus will intercede for those who confess him before men & count them righteous while blotting out of the book of life all those whose trust is not in him; 14. To the time from the death of Martin Luther until the great awakening of the nineteenth century (1600-1800 AD); 15. That it was a loving church that Jesus loved very much & to whom he would open the door to the marriage; 16. That of heaven’s Most Holy Place; 17. To the time of the great awakening of the nineteenth century when the church expected the coming of the Bridegroom but was disappointed (1800-1920 AD); 18. Laodicea means “the judging of the people,” & Jesus presents himself as the “Amen” & “the faithful & true witness” who will rightly judge at this end of the Christian era, all pointing to the fact that this is the last church & that it won’t be followed by any other; 19. Its members lack pure character, spiritual discernment, & the righteousness of faith while exhibiting complete confidence in their readiness for judgment; 20. Those who do not take his counsel to buy from him gold, eyesalve, & white raiment & repent of their pride; 21. From 1920 to the end.
