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Sanctuary Call


Calling everyone to enter heaven’s Most Holy Place by faith, there to receive the blotting out of sins that results in the latter rain outpouring of God’s Spirit.

“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil,that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. ”

Sanctuary call

Recently Featured on Red Advenir TV

“Entrando al Pacto Divino.”

To learn more on this topic we invite you to visit our blog and view one of the many additional posts on the topic of the Convenants of God.

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Our Resources

Thinking aloud


Toward the end of the 20th Century, in an effort to counteract negative intrusions into adventism from both the left and the right we published a thought paper titled Thinking Aloud. Its goal was to correct theological errors that were becoming popular in both independent and denominational channels. The errors of Robert Brinsmead, Desmond Ford, the Sabbath School lesson quarterly, and Adventist Today are among those considered..

Sanctuary Call


Our first issue of Sanctuary Call magazine deals with “Which is God’s true church?” and will appear here shortly. It will also appear in our Spanish magazine Llamado Al Sanctuario.



Watch full presentations in either English or Spanish by visiting one of our YouTube Channels below.

About sanctuary call

“All things are ready. Come to the marriage.”

We are Seventh-day Adventists who believe the time has come to give the last call to the marriage of the Lamb. God says “All things are ready, Come unto the marriage.” The marriage takes place in heaven’s Most Holy Place while we are on Earth, for it is the legal union between Christ and his church. We are called to enter by faith knowing that the marriage is preceded by judgment and the blotting out of sins. Then the latter rain will fall preparing God’s people for the Lamb’s return and the marriage supper.

Our only hope in the hour of God’s judgment is in the mercy of God and our only defense is prayer for we enter with defective characters, trusting in the perfect character of Jesus, our Substitute. We give this call to the marriage through printed articles, online communication, YouTube videos, and personal Bible seminars.

Join us in swelling the cry, “All things are ready. Come unto the marriage.”



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P.O. Box 292 Temecula, CA 92593

Call / Whatsapp • +1 (760) 742-3455
